- (informal) illicit or ridiculous activities or escapades.
- (1982-present) also known as Chris Capener, English cyclist, nomad and lover of lycra.
The Preface

Once upon a time there was a slightly unspectacular, spectacle-wearing young Englishman who sat in an office day after day after day. Fed up of a life of suits, ties and pointy shoes, he traded some magic coins for a shiny new bicycle and the most fetching lycra he could find. With a few pennies in his pocket, a puncture repair kit and a sandwich or two in his panniers, he set forth to discover the world.
Using his magic parchment our intrepid adventurer was able to reveal his slightly more spectacular new life to the world through www.capersofcapers.co.uk. Did he get eaten by bears, discover a cure for saddle sores, or even discover someone else who wears lycra on a daily basis. Prepare to find out...
Using his magic parchment our intrepid adventurer was able to reveal his slightly more spectacular new life to the world through www.capersofcapers.co.uk. Did he get eaten by bears, discover a cure for saddle sores, or even discover someone else who wears lycra on a daily basis. Prepare to find out...